My first time establishing the site is on the "" on March 1, 2010. And because of some problems I switch to wordpress and created "". It was a slow and unknown site until I post the link for Busou Shinki Battle Masters, the site begins to climb up on the google rankings until it was shutdown bu wordpress. It din't stoped me there as I've save my contents and created "". It went slow and many previous visitors weren't able to find the site. Then this July 7,2011 "" was yet again shutdown but wordpress that lead me to migrate to this site.
Well that's the timeline of this whole site. This blog aims to service free downloads for everyone to use. As you notice all post are games released from the 1st of march and so on as the reason is putting the old games will take time so I'll just update to the newer games. You are free to comment on my post, criticism is welcomed but please refrained for using vulgar words. Comments with such words will not be approved and thus deleted. If you want a certain PSP game or Visual novel, you can request it at the Request/Question Page. And lastly please speak in English. Well again this site aims for free downloads for PSP game, Anime and others. Please support us by clicking any links. The more clicks we get the more game we post. ^_^
You can also help by posting this banner on your site:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a>
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